Space Travel That Improves Life on Earth


Looking down on planet Earth from space radically shifts one’s perception of our world and our place within it. After witnessing our planet’s thin, brilliant blue line of atmosphere against the stark blackness of space, astronauts return home to engage more deeply in solving our social and environmental challenges. Join us to learn about a new way of travelling to space that enables researchers to readily perform critical climate change science, artists to experience and communicate the transformative experience, and educators to inspire millions of students worldwide. No rockets, no hyper gravity training. Just a carbon neutral SpaceBalloon traveling at a gentle speed of 12 mph and carrying a comfortably furnished, pressurized capsule to space at 100,000 feet above the Earth’s atmosphere and back. A glimpse into the future and an inspiring vision of how tens of thousands of people globally will be able to experience “the overview effect”, discover purpose and meaning, and chart their personal course for positive impact.

Jane Poynter, Founder and Co-CEO, Space Perspective
Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX
