SEMINAR 4: Skin In The Game: A Creative Approach for Entrepreneurs to Raise Capital


In Skin in the Game, a proposed TV show with a format similar to Shark Tank, the audience effectively runs the game, deciding which businesses get funded. Audience members also have the option to invest their own capital in the Skin in the Game fund. More than fun and games, it was designed with projections for job creation and economic development in mind, and the success of these crowd-funded deals will be published and discussed on each show. In this informative and interactive session, you’ll gain insights on investment opportunities that conventional private equity funders are missing. You’ll also learn about the process for attracting and vetting opportunities that align with your investment objectives and values.

  • Part 1 - Skin in the Game Business Model
  • Part 2 - Selecting Candidates for Venture Capital Funding
  • Part 3 - Critique of Two Venture Companies

Facilitators: Nicole Loftus, Founder & CEO, Skin in the Game; Anna Belyaev, COO, Skin in the Game 

FOX Event Replay