Maximizing the Strategic Impact of Your Single-Family Office


Family offices may take on a variety of roles in service to the family, so it is essential that there is a strategy that helps frame the office’s purpose and an overarching plan to help align and execute against diverse interests. The panel will cover three key areas during this session: 1) Share critical questions to ask and answer when designing or refining a family office’s purpose, 2) Provide examples and stories of how family offices evolved and progressed and, 3) Explore the latest findings from FOX’s Family Office 2023 Study for a fresh look at the state of the family office. Lastly, the panelists will offer best practices that help maximize the value of a family office.

Charles B. Grace III, Managing Director, Family Enterprise Solutions, Cambridge Associates
Joshua S. Kanter, Founder, leafplanner, Inc., & President, Chicago Financial, Inc.
Miguel López de Silanes Gómez, Market Leader International, FOX
Moderated by David Toth, President of Membership, FOX
