Key Takeaways from the FOX Rising Gen Forum


The rising generation is curious, intelligent, and preparing to step into family governance and business roles. They are your family’s future leaders. Rising Gen Network leaders Heather Asher Abramson and Mindy Kalinowski Earley will share key takeaways from FOX’s 2020 Rising Gen Forum, including the dominant questions on rising gens’ minds. Learn what rising gen want, what interests them, and how they are equipping themselves for the future – so you can better understand how to work with them, serve them, and partner with them.

Insights and Key Takeaways

FOX recently hosted a Rising Gen Forum, and here Mindy Earley, Chief Learning Officer at FOX, and Heather Abramson, Relationship Manager at FOX, share the key takeaways from that forum and more information about the FOX Rising Gen program.

FOX first started the Rising Gen program because their Rising Gen community asked for it. The first official forum was in April 2018, and the program has grown from there now with multiple forums and workshops each year, and a growing, engaged community of Rising Gen members.

Click for more insights from
this session in the FOX Blog.
