FOX Public Webinar: The State of the Ultra Wealth Advisory Business 2018


Advisors grew assets (both AUM and AUA) by 17% and 15% respectively in 2017; however revenue grew by only 8%. What is the cause of this disconnect between assets and revenues? What are the other trends re-shaping the ultra-wealth advisor market? 

FOX managing directors David Toth and Karen Rush framed the issues and opportunities that are impacting wealth advisors today, including business growth, pricing strategies, and what's on the mind of ultra-wealthy families. They shed light on the ongoing work that FOX is doing to help advisors.

  • A check-in on the health of the ultra-wealth business 
  • Relationship of the changing price structure and growing client base in the ultra-wealth advisor market 
  • Insights on trending issues including the digitization of marketing
  • Looking "beyond" hedge funds for less correlated investments
  • A preview of the FOX Roadmap for addressing the most pressing concerns of our wealth advisor members using our unique knowledge-based resources

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