Family Office Talent and Technology Solutions


The pandemic has thrust our perceptions of the workplace into an entirely new paradigm. If they don’t already, your strategic plans for family office talent and technology will look unexpectedly different from just six months ago. We’ll discuss the options you need to consider when reshaping who and what will drive the next decade.

Insights and Key Takeaways

As we all know, technology is changing our world. To start, it’s everywhere. Over 6 billion smartphones are predicted to be in use around the world by the end of 2020. This presents us with a tsunami of data that can be processed cheaper, faster and better than ever before. More data has been created in the last two years than in the entire history of the human race. This also has led to a big increase in annual tech spending, particularly around cognitive and artificial intelligence, forecasted to reach $77 billion by 2021.

Needless to say, the impact of technology right now is enormous. We have the ability to do things now that we never before thought would be possible. In addition, the workforce is also experiencing a massive shift. Over the last five years, baby boomers are retiring at a rapid pace and have dropped in the workforce by 15%. While Gen X has remained about the same, we see a huge leap in the Gen Y workforce at a total of 58% now, having grown by 16%.

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this session in the FOX Blog.
