The Cyber Landscape for Family Offices in 2021


Cybercrime has accelerated and matured at a breathtaking pace. What once was the domain of lone hackers in basements now ranks with the highest threats to businesses, people, and countries today. From how the attackers got into the aftermath of a cyber event, how this has affected and will continue to affect the family office space requires a dual lens approach. Get up to speed on key threats you will face, learn new trends in protection and risk practices, and take away the simple but critical steps you need to take to secure your organization against cybercrime and digital risk. Kathryn Brett Goldman, the CEO and Founder of the Cybermaniacs and Angelo D’Agostino of the Cybermaniacs and HCG Advisors, bring you beyond the headlines of major breaches of the past year to greater insights about future risks.

Kate Brett Goldman, CEO and Founder, Cybermaniacs

Angelo D’Agostino, Cybermaniacs Head of People and Founder, HCG Advisors
