Building a Last 8% Culture: Keep Your Best People


With 40-70% of people contemplating leaving their jobs, the challenge of retaining your top talent has never been greater. Yet, with many new hires in your organization and the challenges of a hybrid workplace, you are struggling to re-establish one of the most important levers you have to retain your best and brightest: your culture.

In this powerful live keynote address, your managers and leaders will hear the results from our recent study of 6,500 leaders from a variety of organizations which looked at what kind of culture makes people want to stay and give discretionary effort in the current environment.

Bill Benjamin, Keynote Speaker, Partner, Institute for Health and Human Potential
Introduced by Scott Muench, Managing Director, Core Membership, FOX

Our speaker has requested to not share his presentation. To learn more, please find his contact information below.

  • Last 8% Morning Podcast
  • 4 Quadrant Model and exercise

  • Videos about Last 8% and Dropping markers
