Aligning Culture: Making Culture Personal


As research continues to validate the need for cultural alignment within families as well as between families and the advisors who serve them, there is continued need for effective assessments that measure culture and clear approaches to manage sustainable change. Tim Kuppler will guide participants through The Organizational Culture Inventory® (OCI®) and the Organizational Effectiveness Inventory® (OEI®), which were developed in response to demands for a reliable and valid measure of organizational culture, the internal factors that shape and reinforce culture, and the outcomes that result from culture. 
These tools enable leaders and advisors to analyze the current state of their organization, envision and communicate the desired state, and identify the most important “levers” for moving the family or organization in the desired direction. Tim will address how to: achieve consensus and buy-in on the ideal culture, promote an understanding of how the current culture is impacting effectiveness, act when there are gaps between the current and ideal culture, initiate steps to motivate change, and adjust levers (e.g., systems, structures, skills) for redirecting the culture and enhancing effectiveness. 

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