Given how significant accounting processes and applications are prime targets for top business risks that include fraud and noncompliance, it’s important to take control and start your risk management analysis. Take an important step toward effective organizational risk management by using this fillable and interactive segregation of duties (SOD) matrix for cash disbursements, procurement, and payroll. After answering the questions, you’ll have a high-level view of functional areas that could pose increased risk for your organization.
Resource Search
A new era of family wealth has driven an explosive growth opportunity for providers and placed far greater demand on their resources. This webcast will cover our perspectives on the changing nature of demand among families of wealth, check-in on the health of the UHNW business and discuss how firms balance growth and demand in this new era. Thomas P. Melcher, Director of Private Wealth, Glenmede David Toth, President of Membership, FOX
As we move into a wealth 3.0 era, advisors will continue to navigate new and changing client needs. FOX’s annual Multi-Family Office and Wealth Advisor study provides insights into this changing world. Please enjoy a few sneak peek pages from the upcoming report, and make sure to register for the upcoming webcast as well.
Wealth advisors continue to experience rapid growth, which on its face is positive – but firms can get into trouble if growth is not properly managed. Join a panel of experienced wealth advisors explaining the ins and outs of effectively managing growth. Topics discussed include identifying the right clients for your business, creating efficiencies and processes that make growth more manageable, creating the right training for employees, how to analyze client profitability, and more.
The transition from 2022 to 2023 has been met with significant economic challenges, leaving employers to contemplate and prepare for workforce reductions. This guide provides a quick access to the Terminations of Employment sections from the Global Employer Guide 2023 where you will find additional employment policies across nearly 20 countries.
In today’s global economy, more companies than ever have employees in numerous countries, often relying on a mobile global workforce to expand into new markets and meet strategic and operational needs. This updated Global Employer Guide includes basic outlines of employment requirements in nearly 20 countries in a concise table format that allows easy comparison from country to country.
From Australia to United States and many places in between, this Global Employer Guide reflects an easy-to-read summary of employment law that changed in each country over the past year, including pandemic-related changes where applicable. Visa processes, employee rights, contract requirements, transfer of business considerations, privacy standards, and union involvement are just some of the issues every global employer faces in today's global economy.
Explosive wealth growth and escalating client demands are collectively impacting the course of the Ultra-High Net Worth business. This webcast will discuss some of the challenges presented by this shift in our industry. Will this new shift cause a meaningful departure from common past practices and spur the adoption of new ones? How prepared are advisors for this new era? What are providers doing to change to adapt? All of this and more will be addressed.
Explosive wealth growth and escalating client demands are collectively impacting the course of the Ultra-High Net Worth business. This webcast will discuss some of the challenges presented by this shift in our industry. Will this new shift cause a meaningful departure from common past practices and spur the adoption of new ones? How prepared are advisors for this new era? What are providers doing to change to adapt? All of this and more will be addressed.
Strategy is often thought of as an art form—an unstructured, intuitive exercise propelled by inspiration and brilliance. However, just like finance, operations, or marketing, strategy is a functional discipline with tools, frameworks, processes, best practices, and metrics. This checklist is end-to-end process for developing and executing a compelling corporate strategy.