Navigating the Family Enterprise Brand and Culture in a Chaotic World


Increasingly, companies of all stripes are being stressed to manage their reputations in a world that is always on, more social, and more contentious than ever. The problems faced can be even more challenging for family-owned businesses. Family members and businesses are increasingly asked to take stands on social concerns and political issues by the media, community leaders, and employees. Meanwhile, family members’ personal preferences and actions are exposed on the worldwide stage for public scrutiny, placing family reputations on the line.

This panel—featuring one of the top academic researchers on brands, companies, and society and one of the top public relations professionals in the world—will seek to address and answer your questions on how best to manage a family brand and reputation in these chaotic times.

Panelists: Mike Fernandez, CEO, Burson-Marsteller; Mary-Hunter McDonnell, Assistant Professor of Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Moderator: Brayden King, Chair of Management and Organizations Department, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

FOX Event Replay