In anticipation of the expected tax changes that could be enacted under the Biden administration, it’s a good time to review and update your estate plan. As part of your review process, there are three proactive changes you can take before an overhaul of the tax code is implemented.
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Increased complexity has become the norm in the world of tax. From the passage of tax reform to new legislation allowing states to levy taxes on remote sales, tax executives have had to flex their agility to steer their companies through a multitude of challenges. Looking ahead, tax executives predict that disruption and change will not only continue but accelerate. Tax executives are up to the challenge, focused on managing their total tax liability, and transforming their operations to adapt to whatever lies ahead.
In this podcast, two industry experts discuss how boards’ oversight of data governance within their organizations is changing to meet the opportunities and risk in the rapidly evolving digital space in which organizations are conducting their business. The key takeaways:
As an uncertain business environment persists, board directors face multiple obstacles: new regulatory changes, issues related to globalization and digital acceleration, the rise of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors being linked to company performance, and more. They are also grappling with the expanding roles and responsibilities. This survey explores the strategies public company boards of directors are considering, including how they plan to pursue growth and increase transparency around strategic shifts.
Are family businesses really more resilient, agile, and adaptable than other business types? And, if so, have they been able to tackle the challenges of COVID-19 better than most and, perhaps, emerged even stronger? In this report learn how family businesses across the world are mastering a comeback in their businesses and triumphing over COVID-19 to help lead a global economic recovery. The insights revealed are instructive for family firms of all sizes, sectors, and operating models.
The innovation economy continues its record-breaking performance despite ongoing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Venture fundraising, investment, and exits are all on pace to shatter last year’s records. Fundraising continues to tick up, buoyed by mega funds that are coming back to market quicker than ever. While the tech economy moves toward normalizing, valuations and multiples have reached new heights. It’s full steam ahead as the venture ecosystem remains vibrant.
Family offices can be complex, requiring forward thinking and collaboration on a variety of initiatives. Learn more about family office market trends that may impact your organization and key considerations to help you plan your strategy.
The big wealth transition is now underway, with ownership of more than 60% of family enterprise expected to be handed off within the next decade. With the input of business owners and Family Enterprise Advisors, this report takes an in-depth look at transition planning and how family business leaders can prepare their family, as well as their business, for this imminent transition of wealth, ownership and leadership.
Drivers of the deal flow—from exits to succession planning to anticipated capital gains tax increases—are higher across the board, signaling a voracity for deals. At the same time, fund managers are moving faster to deal close but are seeing more risk exposure uncovered during due diligence, a major challenge to getting deals done. This Private Capital Pulse Survey examines the trends that 200 middle private market equity fund managers are seeing and the tactics they are deploying throughout the deal cycle.
The proposed Build Back America Act, a $1.85 trillion social-policy and climate framework, is working its way through Congress. While the notable prior proposals were absent, the current legislation proposes a new income tax surcharge that will be added on top of the ordinary and capital gains tax rates. The surcharge—which can bring the total surtax to 8% for certain groups—will also apply to trusts and estates and will impact high-earning individuals. Unless otherwise provided, all proposals are effective January 1, 2022.