With the right tools and commitment, most businesses can make remote work just as productive, if not more productive, than in-person office work. Ultimately, remote work requires leaders to retune their managerial style to fit the situation. There are three powerful strategies that leaders can apply to help keep their remote employees engaged, and it begins with setting clear expectations and boundaries.
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In Part 2 of the conversation on solving world hunger through innovation and strategic investing, we welcome two more entrepreneurs. Ezinne Uzo-Okuro, CEO of Terraformers, is using her background as a NASA scientist to empower people to grow healthy food and create sustainable livelihoods. Manuela Zierau, Global Lead of H2Grow, works with communities to grow food—and well-being—in impossible places. Private Client CIO Sid Ahl and CrossBoundary’s Kirtika Challa join in to discuss investment takeaways.
High net-worth families for whom privacy is a paramount consideration may be concerned that the Corporate Transparency Act, which became law on January 1, 2021, creates a risk of sensitive ownership information being exposed to the wrong persons. This may concern family offices; however, regulated private trust companies and trusts may be exempt.
As the surge of interest in creating a more just and equal economic system gathers force and begins to translate into real action, so do its detractors. From an investment perspective, the source of tension tends to occur when it links gender and racial diversity to financial performance. But there’s more to the discussion when it comes to building a more inclusive world, including the value it holds for investors who want to use their portfolios to move equity of opportunity forward.
Municipal bond yields have finally begun to move higher. The surge is a natural and healthy development—reflective of an improving economic landscape but not a marked upshift in inflation. In this environment, see where muni investors can find opportunity and capitalize.
The big question in the estate planning world today is whether, when, and to what extent the U.S. Congress will enact changes to gift, estate, and income tax laws. With many challenges facing the new Biden Administration, and the narrowly Democratic Senate, major tax legislation may not even be considered in 2021. Nevertheless, the tax proposals endorsed by the Biden Administration provide clear signals for actions clients should consider this year.
There’s a common sentiment that COVID-19 will have an impact on investment strategies and the types of investors that will be active over the next few years. While 2021 may turn into a feeding frenzy for private equity, longer-term investors can remain as selective as they’ve always been. Corporate acquirers, meanwhile, won’t simply buy market share because acquisition targets have lower valuations, but they will align their mergers and acquisitions (M&A) strategy on both the buy side and sell side with their long-term business plan.
Many are rethinking their asset allocations beyond traditional asset classes and are seeking new and creative ways to better diversify their investment portfolios, increase returns, and reduce risk. Turning to alternative investments—with a focus on private investment funds—see what you should know and consider when choosing to add them in the mix of your investment portfolios and asset allocation. There are pros and cons, and being well-informed is critical to making better investment decisions.
2020 was a chaotic year for many industries and the COVID-19 pandemic created a host of challenges for providers in the home health and hospice space. For investors and business owners in that space, the year ended with robust M&A activity in the hospice sector while the home health M&A activity remained dormant. Looking at the trends and challenges of 2020, what can investors and business owners expect in 2021?
Regardless of the sector, nearly every healthcare organization has made significant investments in technology, as data and computing became essential in the healthcare setting during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to the pandemic, healthcare IT saw an uptick in M&A activity in certain sub-sectors. For those looking at potential investment deals in the healthcare sector, what can they learn from the trends in 2020 and what can they expect in 2021?