In our 1st Quarter 1991 newsletter, FOX interviewed the Laird Norton family office, which at that time had become a Private Trust Company and had been serving outside clients for several years. Now a firmly established Multifamily Office, Larid Norton discusses how their firm has evolved.
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Interview with Marianne Wilder Young, president of the Market Street Trust Company.
One tradition that some FOX members take quite seriously is that of documenting their family’s, company’s and even family office’s history. To assist other FOX members who haven’t yet decided upon the best means of accomplishing this challenge, we talked with two family group, the Richardson Family and the Laird Norton Family, who have done an extraordinary job of preserving their history for future generations.
FOX interview with Mort about the Sachs family office.
Heritage Finance & Trust Company, Geneva, Switzerland, was founded in 1986 in Switzerland as a single family office providing financial advisory and portfolio management services. Over time, Heritage has evolved into a multifamily, multi-client office as it has seen demand for its services increase from an extended circle of family members and their related connections.
Harris Associates LP was founded in 1976 by six investment professionals (Joe Braucher, Roger Brown, Peter Foreman, Victor Morgenstern, Myron Szold, and Ralph Wanger) who believed that delivering successful investment results for clients required a consistent investment philosophy, a commitment to superior investment research and a high level of client service. As the roster of clients has grown over the years, these basic beliefs have remained unchanged.
Over the last year, Perrybell Investments, Inc., the family office of the James Ford Bell family, has made cutting-edge changes in the structure of family office ownership. The resulting company, Family Financial Strategies, now contracts with the Bell family for comprehensive family office services and has also accepted a limited number of new families.
Perspectives of six individuals who have moved into new family office positions.
One frequently overlooked vehicle for transmitting values is family wealth management. Although money has often been seen as a disruptive force in maintaining positive family values, families who have avoided this "dark side" of wealth have done so by developing a proactive program for wealth management instead of assuming that appropriate values toward money will just happen.
A profile of the Whittier Trust Company.