The world is witnessing a major rebalancing of economic power. Once dominated by the G7 nations, it is today making room for a new and expanding set of rapidly growing economies. The citizens of emerging market countries, while comparatively poor on a per capita GDP basis, are being helped out of poverty by astounding rates of domestic economic growth. For some of the larger developing economies such as China and India, economic progress has catapulted them to a plane where they are able to compete side-by-side with the wealthiest and most advanced nations of the world.
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In this edition of Eton's quarterly newsletter, they discuss goals-based investing from the highly personal and conceptual processes of goal definition and prioritization featured in past issues to the important process of marrying the investor’s goals with his investment portfolio. The report includes a quarterly economic and market outlook by Jean Brunel.
This paper, which draws from interviews and a survey of executives in privately held businesses in North America and Western Europe, explores how private companies are turning to emerging and fast-growing markets that, in the
Quarterly Highlights - PwC commissioned independent research firm BSI Global Research Inc. to interview 225 chief executive officers (CEOs/CFOs) of leading privately held US businesses in the first quarter of 2013. The interviewees were asked about their current business performance, the state of the economy, and their expectations for business growth over the next 12 months. The authors then compared the responses with the prior quarter's results to see how the outlook has changed.
Wealth management firms are beginning to understand the value of their data, the efforts required to maintain it and the importance of managing and storing data accurately. This white paper looks at why data aggregation has become so important and dives into the various risks and rewards associated with different data aggregation options.
In the second quarter 2013 issue of Global Foresight, Rockefeller & Co. provides an outlook for a range of asset classes. David Harris, Chief Investment Officer discusses the current status of the equity markets. Mark Iannarelli, Director of Fixed Income, and Matthew Gelfand, Senior Economist, explain how bond portfolios are at risk of a cyclical drop in prices over the next few years, but conclude that major allocations away from fixed income would be premature. Victoria Melendez, Managing Director, writes on the relative merits of private equity in a low interest rate environment.
Wealth owner and family office investment performance bounced back in 2012. So how are these investors feeling about the economy and planning for 2013? FOX will dig into the results of two recent investment surveys to provide a look at both ends of the market - self-directed wealth owners with less than $100M investable and families with family offices and assets in excess of $100M. This presentation will profile the asset allocation and investment performance of these two groups, along with their top concerns and views on strategic investment opportunities for 2013 and beyond.
It has been said that that business leaders frequently overestimate the impact of change in the short term and underestimate the impact of change in the long term. Many advisors are aware of the shifts in servicing required by the millennial next generation of wealth owners. This session challenges attendees to think about the 10-year impact of these changes and how servicing in the future will look for your firm. What specific changes can we expect to see moving forward, not least in regard to buying behavior? What do firms need to do now to ensure that they are not left behind?
What are the leadership attributes and behaviors that wealth owners need to embody in order to promote long-term wealth sustainability and family continuity in 21st century? How do they differ, if at all, from the past? Karen Neal, FOX Managing Director of Consulting, will facilitate a dialogue, drawing on a family example presented by 4th gen family member, Preston Root. Preston is the President of his family’s board of directors after assuming leadership responsibilities from his mother.
David Friedman, President of WealthX, will share his firm's research on the private business marketplace, identifying its size and ownership by industry type. David will compare US ownership trends with patterns found in other parts of the world and how transfer taxes impact business structures. He will help us evaluate the importance of private capital, the implications of worldwide shifts in private capital, and what these shift may mean for the global economy.