Industry 4.0—synonymous with smart technologies—is driving efficiencies and increasing productivity. Data, and the physical-digital integration of humans, processes, systems, and machines, are key components of this transformation. The global ramifications of Industry 4.0 are still under debate, but one thing is certain: Change is coming.
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The future. It’s the topic on the mind of most business leaders—what’s going to happen in the future? And importantly, how do you ensure you’re prepared for it? Today, as technological advances impact the scale, scope, and utility of data and information, a new ecosystem of information and trust is taking shape around us. Businesses are responding by using and reporting information that goes beyond financial information.
While cyber liability losses and privacy claims continue to rise, a new exposure has arisen. Hackers have determined that due to the increased sophistication in computer security, it may be easier to manipulate an individual rather than a machine. With enough policies and procedures in place, Social Engineering Fraud (SEF) is preventable. However, what these professional criminals are counting on is being able to manipulate an employee to violate the company’s policies.
FOX Foresight keeps FOX members up to date on the latest thinking on matters that affect enterprise families. It summarizes what we have been learning from our members and our subject matter experts over the last year. Please share it broadly within your family, your office, and your advisors. FOX Foresight is presented in 8 chapters:
Cryptocurrencies, or digital currencies, have captured the imagination and interest of investors around the world. Three main factors have driven this interest: the role of cryptocurrencies as bold new upstarts in the world of electronic payments; their meteoric rise in value since they were created less than a decade ago; and the perennial search for long-term stores of value in the face of geopolitical uncertainty.
The destruction caused by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria and the wildfires in California have led to an outpouring of charitable gifts and donations. For businesses whose employees were affected by disasters, there is a way to provide relief through an employer-sponsored public charity or private foundation.
The world has gone through seismic change since the current generation of family business leaders first joined their family firms. Today’s next gens are educated, ambitious, globally minded and socially engaged. Given that they may pursue different paths in the future—whether as stewards, transformers, intrapreneurs or entrepreneurs—to follow their passion and make their mark in the world, the current generation must prepare, equip and support the next gen to be successful.
Imagine what the year 2030 might look like for you and the people you serve. What key trends must be watched as we anticipate the world over the next 10 to 15 years? As a community dedicated to providing for families of substantial wealth, what can we do today to not only plan for, but also influence our shared future? How can we focus our thinking and our efforts? These are some of the questions explored at the 2017 FOX Thought Leaders Council Summit. In this session, you will examine the 4 key themes that surfaced as high-priority and require immediate attention.
Global investors need to cast their net broadly to capture attractive investment opportunities. For decades, western analysts have believed that the economic potential and perceived advantages of India—such as a free market economy, democratically elected government and western-style legal system—would allow it to become a dominant global economic and political power. This potential has yet to be realized, causing many investors to avoid India.
Investors are adding a gender lens strategy to their overall investment approach for several reasons. They may view it as a way to leverage market systems to support progress towards gender equality. They may regard the addition of gender related variables to their investment process as a way to identify potential areas of opportunity while seeking investment alpha, sustainable growth and lower risk.