In the aftermath of a natural disaster, businesses will need to take the important steps to recovery. Here is a checklist to help guide you through that process.
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Before a hurricane or storm hits, plan in advance by having an evacuation “Grab and Go” checklist, with special considerations made for children, infants, and pets. Continue to follow all evacuation orders and allow for enough time to pack and inform family and friends if you need to leave your home.
If you have been ordered to evacuate a storm area, knowing how to respond will help you protect your family and home before and after an evacuation. Learn the important steps to take when local authorities ask you to leave your home.
The wildfire season has caused unprecedented damage across the United States. With drought conditions prevalent across much of the western United States, the wildfire outlook continues above normal wildfire conditions. Learn what you can do to be prepared for it.
In this episode, two industry experts share their thoughts and practical guidance on directors and officers insurance (D&O), covering the fundamentals of the protections that A-B-C D&O insurance coverage provides and the three topics that D&O insurers are focused on right now: event-driven litigation such as cyber breaches; board diversity, and shareholder activism around ESG. They also explain how you can be better equipped to negotiate your insurance coverage, especially during the renewal process.
This session revealed and examined the skills needed to be an effective leader in the post-pandemic era.Greg McCann, Founder and Principal, McCann & AssociatesCourtney Pullen, M.A., President, The Pullen Consulting GroupModerated by Jill Shipley, Managing Director, Governance and Education Practice, Tiedemann Advisors
In the last year, workers around the globe have experienced remote work, not by choice, but by necessity. Not surprisingly, many have found it a positive experience and hope they can continue working remotely even after the pandemic is over. Others miss the office and can’t wait to get back. No one size fits all. Now that the pandemic is coming to an end, organizations have an important decision to make. Stick with remote working, return to the office or something in the middle.
Trust is the core value in family offices' work. It has been forged over decades and in some cases, generations. Trust has always been fragile, but in the digital space, even more so. How is trust redefined in a world where we will be conducting work mostly digitally? How do we choose technology that builds trust rather than destroys it? What are the five red flags we need to be aware of, and how does ethical AI address these concerns? These questions and more are addressed.
Don’t miss this annual Family Office Forum update. Income and estate tax changes are highly probable, and speculation abounds regarding potential regulatory developments, all of which could significantly impact family offices and individuals. Learn what to watch and what, if anything, you might consider doing to protect your family and clients.
Regulatory change is in the air. With the Corporate Transparency Act, post Archegos crackdown, and a congressional focus on tax revenues, family offices are in the center of critical regulatory conversations. What are the implications to existing and future family structures, privacy, and reporting? What is being done in Washington DC to bring an industry voice and balanced perspective? FOX brings together a panel of experts to explore the implications and potential scenarios for family office executives and key advisors to consider in their planning.