Political events in 2016 gave rise to increasing nationalism and populism globally. Combined with a global slowdown in economic and trade growth, international integration may already have plateaued and could begin to reverse over the coming decade. Multinational organizations should prepare for potentially significant implications by carefully considering the political threats in the countries in which they operate.
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The Brexit vote and Donald Trump’s unexpected 2016 election victory have kicked off a wave of pro-nationalist sentiment across the globe. With several key Eurozone countries facing elections in 2017, leading economists and investors envision a possible reshuffling (and even a potential demise) of the European Union. Volatility typically accompanies political transitions, and investors should review their objectives and adjust accordingly. Remember that what goes down often comes back up—eventually.
Fund groups face disruptive developments, as advances in financial technology, often called fintech, continue at an ever more rapid pace. Even as new efficiencies and opportunities blossom, regulators have pushed financial firms to recognize the dangers of technological failures. To prepare for the changes ushered in by fintech, it is important for fund boards, investment managers and separate account advisers to have a deep understanding of the issues and risks surrounding Fintech developments.
In an illustrative, legal analysis on the ownership treatment of bitcoin under the U.S. State property law, the focus turns to California law for guidance on whether bitcoin ownership should be recognized as a property right. Although there are possible challenges to treating bitcoin as property, they do not undercut the legitimacy of such rights or create unmanageable enforcement issues.
In the healthcare industry, a multitude of factors have driven a transition from a fee-for-service model toward a fee-for-value approach, which emphasizes the quality and outcome of care delivered. This emerging trend could present interesting investment opportunities that is also in alignment with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal of good health and well-being. Beyond the steady rise in healthcare costs and increasing burden placed on consumers, three factors are believed to have advanced the adoption of a fee-for-value model.
Family enterprises face an increasingly uncertain and risky world due to developments in the economy, geopolitics, financial markets, technology, and industry competition. In order to navigate this turbulent paradigm, family enterprises need to develop a culture of creativity and vitality that will allow them to adapt and eventually become a more resilient family. In addition, they can develop strategies to mitigate systemic risks.
As the COVID-19 vaccine becomes a larger part of the national conversation, employers will need to assess and/or develop a vaccination policy and plan. Employer-driven vaccination programs require a thorough understanding of employment law, compliance, employee well-being and education. This e-book covers employment law considerations and explains the specific limitations that pertain to requiring employees to be vaccinated.