The 'leave' campaign, a victory for the pro-Brexit voters, was quite a surprise to markets and the world. The United Kingdom, based on a referendum of all eligible citizens, voted to leave the European Union (EU) and became the first country to do so. The effects of the referendum vote are already being felt in the political spectrum and the financial markets. However, the structural changes will take some time. Financial markets, on the other hand, have not and will not take years to digest this revolution.
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Bond markets globally were off to a slow start at the beginning of the quarter, but began to drive higher as the Brexit vote approached and eventually jumped on the result as investors sought out safe-haven assets. The Barclays Universal Bond Index gained 2.53 percent in the second quarter; the gauge has advanced 5.68 percent so far this year through June. Interestingly, domestic and some international equity markets have largely recovered from their post-Brexit lows, but fixed income markets have remained at elevated levels as investors stay wary of the evolving economic landscape.
There were two distinct periods during the quarter divided by sentiment and performance. The start of the year through February 11 was a “risk-off” period of negative sentiment and sharp declines across asset classes and countries. Many assets had double-digit declines during the first half of the quarter. Sentiment shifted abruptly and most markets rallied starting February 12. Many major indices erased prior losses to post gains for the quarter.
Prior to the Brexit vote on June 23, financial markets were relatively strong. The S&P 500 index was trading just under its all-time high and the British pound was at the highest level of the year. The day after the vote, markets reacted sharply with risk-assets dropping and safe haven assets rising. Oil, the S&P 500, and the FTSE Eurotop 100 fell 5 percent, 4 percent, and 6 percent respectively. Gold gained 4 percent. The sell-off lasted two days and equities regained much of the two-day declines by month-end.
We are living through a fundamental transformation in the way we work. Automation and 'thinking machines' are changing the skills workers need, while demographic changes promise a talent shortage, longer lifespans, and other significant shifts that will affect the workplace. These changes raise huge organizational and human resource challenges at a time when business leaders are already wrestling with unprecedented risks, disruption and political and societal upheaval.
Millennials have surpassed the Baby Boomers as the nation’s largest demographic segment. And with more than $30 trillion passing to them through inheritance over the next 30 years, Millennial investors are determined to make an impact and use their wealth to reshape not just markets, but the world.
Because of social and cultural changes that have increased women’s control of wealth, this paper seeks to help families navigate this newer development—where the female partner’s inherited wealth significantly exceeds that which her spouse is likely to generate through his own inheritance or work. It begins with McKayla’s story and the challenges she and her boyfriend faced in their fiscally unequal partnership.
On November 8, 2016, millions of Americans will cast their votes for the next U.S. President. In considering how the new political environment in 2017 will impact the investment landscape, it’s important to keep in mind the words of legendary investor Benjamin Graham: “In the short run the market is a voting machine, but in the long run it is a weighing machine.” Graham was warning investors to avoid focusing on a single-event outcome to the exclusion of other factors.
Chief Investment Officer David Donabedian recaps the first half of 2016 and provides an outlook for economic activity and financial markets in the third quarter of the year. The issues that will have the most impact on the financial markets over the next 12 months are:
With the U.S. elections front and center in the minds of most investors around the world, we focus this edition of Global Foresight on the potential outcomes of the November 8, 2016 vote and discuss how the elections could impact the composition of the Supreme Court, legislative priorities for the next Congress and the U.S. Federal Reserve.