Important insights lie in the trends hidden under asset class classification of the hedge fund industry, which is expected to grow 25% annually in the next five years from $0.5 to $1.4 trillion dollars. To spot the trends, the asset categories should be useful for family offices to gain meaningful insights of major allocation shifts. A good place to start is to apply the widely recognized industry categories—Equity Hedge, Event Driven, Macro, and Relative Value—to the classification methodology.
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Global equity markets rebounded sharply in October 2015 after the third quarter sell-off due to accommodative monetary policies and some better economic and earnings news. The gains faded late in the quarter on further weak data from China, weak exports, and more stress in the energy and commodity sectors due to oversupply mostly extracted by new technologies. As the world economies work through various transitions and uncertainty, investors are understandably anxious about the outlook for financial markets.
The venture ecosystem in Israel is undergoing an evolution as entrepreneurs are flourishing throughout the country. In November 2015 there were 6,000 start-ups in Israel garnering funding from a new generation of venture funds made up of both spin-outs from existing firms and new VCs. The combination of a vibrant culture of entrepreneurship, support of the government, strong university, multi-national corporations, and existence of venture capital and liquidity has made many bullish on Israel.
Impact investing uses investment capital to solve social or environmental problems. Such investments often promote renewable energy, food, water, health, and economic development. While once of interest to a relative few, impact investing has gone mainstream and, according to US SIF, now accounts for more than one out of every six dollars under professional management in the United States.
Amidst headwinds such as economic weakness in China and emerging markets, financial and stock market volatility, falling oil prices and a stronger dollar, the U.S. economy weakened to end 2015. Despite these impediments to growth, several economic indicators were encouraging. During the 4th Quarter 2015, leading indices showed that consumer confidence increased, the labor market strengthened, and the unemployment rate ended at a year low at 5.0 percent.
Most market updates are preoccupied with shorter-term phenomena and near-term concerns. However, today’s realities are best assessed through a longer-term lens—one based on the goal of generating attractive, or at least sufficient, compounded returns over decades rather than months, quarters, or even years. Great investment opportunities are rare, and an investor’s job is to recognize them when they occur and to avoid putting capital in harm’s way.
The first quarter may be an accurate forecast of the performance of risk assets for the entire year, which is likely to be one of a flat average and a wide range of individual monthly returns. After the initial five-week decline in risk asset prices, global stocks reversed their initial losses, high-yield bonds spreads tightened, and the CRB Commodities Index finished higher by the end of the quarter than at the beginning of the quarter. The latest pattern in risk assets is unstable, similar to previous market tumbles and rebounds.
No matter how many times an entrepreneur has started a business, challenges abound. The marketplace is fickle in picking winners and losers, and any ego boost from other successes must be checked at the door of the new venture. But the challenges doesn’t stop many entrepreneurs from taking on multiple startup experiences. That’s increasingly true within the millennial generation, where the entrepreneurial lifestyle offers an excitement that’s hard to find elsewhere. For millennials, they know the risks, and they’re not afraid of them.
With an estimated $30 trillion plus transitioning to millennials over the next couple of decades, millennials will most certainly drive change in the financial industry. Many also see impact investing as a meaningful way to engage their capital and to achieve social and environmental impact. Ten impact investors from Europe and North America share their impact investing journeys and provide specific examples of what kind of collaboration they would value.
Unlike prior recessions and monetary responses, the attempt at economic recovery following 2008 was decidedly different. Through the Federal Reserve’s zero interest rate policy (and strong guidance that rates would stay low for an extended period of time), the Federal Reserve forced investors out of low risk assets and into risky assets. The extreme low interest rate environment created many significant, unintended consequences for both U.S. and global markets, including the impact on investor risk tolerance.