Welcome to the 2022 FOX Global Investment Forum. Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX Jonathan S. Tunner, Director, Private Investment Opportunities
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Join FOX as we kick off the forum by identifying what to pay attention to in the global markets, including the impact of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict and other geopolitical events. Opportunities and key components to watch out for in relation to privates, publics, and broad asset class exposure will be shared. Timothy F. McCusker, FSA, CFA, CAIAPartner, Chief Investment Officer, NEPC LLC Introduced by Miguel López de Silanes Gómez, Market Leader International, FOX
Join FOX for a 2022 global economic update from Charles Schwab’s Chief Global Investment Strategist, Jeffrey Kleintop. Jeffrey will highlight important issues in the current economic cycle such as central bank policies, global interest rates, and inflation. He will provide commentary on the latest trends and events impacting international markets, and attendees will walk away with actionable insights to guide capital allocation.
Family Businesses in the United States fuel the country’s economic engine. Research shows Family Businesses employ 59% of all US workers and generate 54% of GDP, (“2021 Contribution of Family Businesses to the US Economy”; Piper and Astrachan provided by FEUSA), yet they face challenges from Congress each day.
When it comes to international travel, high-net-worth individuals and their families can be at a particular risk: They have the danger of kidnapping and extortion, threats to their physical safety, and a hit to finances. The challenges have also multiplied since COVID, presenting not only health risks to travelers but political instability unseen in many years. This new reality in travel points to understanding how to insure a lifestyle.
Every family’s succession journey is unique, and the change can feel uncomfortable. To help navigate that transition in leadership, 32 former family office CEOs offer their succession stories with the intent of sharing their advice and lessons learned to light the path for those for whom such a transition may be on the horizon. Along with the important lessons learned are helpful resources that include a sample succession plan.
The new year brings unique opportunities for families and their offices, but it can also create new obstacles to navigate. FOX has identified three dominant themes that will drive disruption and opportunity for families of wealth, their family offices, and their professional advisors. We call them the “3Ts” – transitions, talent, and technology.
As we approach the two-year mark since the COVID-19 virus first hit and start to envision a “new normal,” Family Office Exchange (FOX) has identified three dominant themes that will drive disruption and opportunity for families of wealth, their family offices, and their professional advisors. We call them the "3Ts” – transitions, talent, and technology.
It's not news to family office hiring managers that prepandemic employment challenges have only become more intense. COVID-19 just fanned an existing flame of empowerment and flexibility demands. Salary is no longer a potential hire’s biggest concern. When the postpandemic conversation becomes less about where work is done and more about how (and how well), thoughtful programs focused on health and wellness will become table stakes. If your organization doesn’t have a competitive total-compensation philosophy, be prepared to lose in today’s fierce talent war.
Preparing the rising generation for leadership can feel daunting at the beginning. It takes courage and vision to get things started. Along with understanding five key things in your preparation, advance incrementally and look for ways to use education to get family members excited about the future of the rising gen and their leadership positions in the family.