Liquid Alternatives and the Investment Spectrum


Liquid Alternatives have risen in popularity for family offices and families as they increasingly bring these vehicles to supplement their alternative allocations.  Packaging and delivery of these return streams have been brought to market in the form of Alternative '40 Act Funds or Alternative Private Investment Partnerships.  Do these innovative liquid vehicles deliver on their return expectations and alpha generation?    How can they work in tandem with other more traditional investment vehicles?   Hedge fund manager, Steve Einhorn of Omega Advisors, will lay the groundwork for this discussion by providing an overview on his current investment outlook and positioning  to in today’s dynamic market.  Bernard Abdo,  head of alternatives and fund solutions for the Americas at Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management, will share views of the hedge fund landscape, including current trends and how liquid alternatives can be implemented as an alpha and diversification tool for investors.

FOX Event Replay