Key Family Leadership Responsibilities: Understanding Your Role as the Optimal Advisor
Peter Drucker has famously stated that "management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." The challenge of that statement of course is identifying what should be done and your capacity to accomplish the ‘right things’. The Family Office Exchange in partnership with Vantage Leadership has initiated a study to identify a framework for assessing key family leadership responsibilities. The purpose of this framework is to assist a family in identifying their strengths and help them thoughtfully address problems. And while every family is unique, there are certain common dimensions that form a framework which provides a fuller understanding of what a family is experiencing in the present and, importantly, how to ensure the family’s success. Carl and Sara will share insight into this framework and answer two key questions that impact families and family offices: 1. To what extent does the family possess the various forms of leadership required to sustain it for the foreseeable future? 2. To what extent does the family office possess the various forms of leadership required to support and advise the family?
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