Welcome to the 2022 FOX Global Investment Forum. Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX Jonathan S. Tunner, Director, Private Investment Opportunities
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Join FOX for a 2022 global economic update from Charles Schwab’s Chief Global Investment Strategist, Jeffrey Kleintop. Jeffrey will highlight important issues in the current economic cycle such as central bank policies, global interest rates, and inflation. He will provide commentary on the latest trends and events impacting international markets, and attendees will walk away with actionable insights to guide capital allocation.
One of FOX’s invaluable member benefits is the peer perspective gleaned from participating in FOX surveys. Gaby Griffin, the Market Leader for Business Owners and Family Office Executives at FOX, and Jonathan Tunner, the Director of Private Investment Opportunities at FOX, will share the key themes that emerged from this year’s annual Global Investment Survey.
The FOX Global Investment Survey is designed to aid wealth owners and family office executives review the family’s annual investment goals, current allocation and performance decisions. The year the report summarizes the impact of COVID and how families developed new strategies to adapt and achieved greater discipline in decision-making. The report also includes how direct investing families were able to navigate through 2020 and how impact investing is gaining traction among ultra-wealthy families.
In this FOX webcast, Phillip Nelson, Partner and Director of Asset Allocation, and Stacey Flier, Principal and Senior Consultant, NEPC Private Wealth, reviewed NEPC’s Key Market Themes and discuss how those Themes are influencing recommendations to private wealth clients regarding portfolio positioning.
The pool of potential investors for private offerings has widened under the Securities and Exchange Commission’s new definition of “accredited investor” in Rule 215 and Rule 501(a). Accredited investors—considered to be sufficiently sophisticated and risk tolerant—are permitted to participate in certain private offerings under Regulation D that are not subject to the same investor protections as public offerings.