Private investors including family offices can be great investors, but many are not. They have some big competitive advantages over institutional investors which live with significant constraints imposed by law, stakeholders, media and regulators. Private investors are usually less constrained, but often fail to recognize and exploit their competitive advantages. The advantages should be seized upon; fortune favors the bold.
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The objective of this session is to uncover if your family office’s accounting, investment performance and tax compliance systems are meeting your needs. We will explore opportunities to automate repetitive manual tasks, manage data, store documents efficiently and securely, confidently budget for investments in new technologies, and more. Mike Johnson, Partner, RSM Tony Wood, Family Office Leader, Principal, RSM This session also includes the Technology Showcase Snapshot: Masttro.
Real estate as an asset class requires constant attention to ever-changing variables. Implementing a defined, analytical, yet flexible asset management process within your family office’s direct investment function is critical to ensure your portfolio is positioned to meet intended goals.
One of FOX’s invaluable member benefits is the peer perspective gleaned from participating in FOX surveys. Jonathan Tunner, Director of Private Investment Opportunities at FOX, and Scott Muench, the market leader for Financial Families at FOX will share the key themes that emerged from this year’s annual Global Investment Survey.
For charitably minded individuals, cryptocurrency investments—such as Bitcoin and Ethereum—held more than one year may provide a unique opportunity to leverage highly appreciated assets to achieve maximum impact with charitable giving. By donating cryptocurrency to charity, it can also unlock additional funds in two tax-smart ways. For more insights on contributing non-cash assets to charity, listen to the accompanying Giving with Impact podcast.
As families grow their investment function, the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) must provide insight and flexibility to serve varied and changing investment platforms. While much of the CIO’s role is focused on investments and the investment decision-making process, many CIO responsibilities aren’t investment-centric and will impact the long-term success of the investment strategy—and therefore the long-term success of the family office as it continually evolves to meet its mission, goals, and objectives.
Direct investors forging new paths into frontier investing will reveal the industries you should pay attention to and why. Join us for a conversation with expert panelists who will share the trends they’re seeing and provide invaluable insight into fast-moving and exciting spaces of next-generation wealth creation. Dave Mullen, Vice President, Silicon Valley Bank Moderated by Jonathan Tunner, Director, Private Investment Opportunities, FOX
This session will address how to make family capital and family investment teams competitive with outside investment enterprises. Sean Mooney, Founder and CEO, BluWave Moderated by Tim Duffy, General Counsel and Manager of Strategic Partnerships, FOX
Despite the geopolitical risk, China’s economic influence is unavoidable. This session will help family offices understand the risk of investing in China long-term, including what is and isn’t avoidable. It will dig into the “how” so that attendees can map out their own approach to investing in China, including how to perform a proper risk and asset analysis. Andy Rothman, Investment Strategist, Matthews Asia Introduced by Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX ,
Welcome to the 2022 FOX Global Investment Forum. Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX Jonathan S. Tunner, Director, Private Investment Opportunities