Society is facing an unprecedented time of anxiety, and more now than ever, families of wealth are concerned about both their financial and personal well-being. A panel of experts share their insights on how advisors can help their family clients find balance during unbalanced times and establish calm—from updating the estate plan to easing the portfolio panic, from mitigating the risk of cybercrime to creating a more peaceful lifestyle, and to securing the legacy through the use of life insurance.
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The COVID-19 epidemic has shown the effectiveness of home-working and has disrupted traditional work methods, accelerating the deployment of remote working. Will this lead to a downward trend on the office market? In this podcast, an analysis of various factors reveals insights gleaned from a case study on the Paris region.
Most teenagers have heard that investing early in life is a way to build wealth over time. They've most likely heard that buying stocks is a common way to invest. In this video, they learn what stocks are and how they are sold and purchased. They will also discover the benefits that stocks offer to investors.
When it comes to responsible investing, a simple checklist can do wonders. It can help investors move beyond intent to action and finally find the right stock or bond portfolio. This checklist includes four easy steps and begins with investors listing their concerns.
Sustainability is increasingly material to investment return, and there are five prominent trends—including climate change and technological revolution—that are likely to have relevant implications for investment portfolios over the long term. Ultimately, investors that evolve more quickly to incorporate these risks and opportunities into their investment decision-making frameworks are likely to be better prepared for the future than their
When making a decision on whether to participate in a Qualified Opportunity Zone investment (QOZ), be prepared to evaluate the risks and regulatory requirements. This report provides an overview on QOZ, including compliance issues and due diligence checklists for investors, advisors, and managers. It is a way of seeing whether a proposed investment of realized capital gains by an individual in a QOZ fund, business, or property makes good investment sense.
Although municipal credit downgrades and defaults are on the rise in the COVID-19 environment, most municipal issuers are entering this downturn from a place of strength. Learn why some sectors are more resilient than others.
One of the challenges for investors in today’s municipal bond market is the level of yields. Even though relative value remains attractive, absolute yields are uninspiring. However, other metrics show there’s a compelling case for picking up yield and going long.
During up markets, like those of the last 10 years, good returns can lull investors into a sense of complacency. But what are their exposures and strategies if markets head down or go sideways? What are the perceived marketplace risks and what questions should they be asking? Which lessons from the past are relevant and which aren’t? We dove into the value of uncorrelated strategies, with a look at alternative investments, including private equity funds and hedge funds.
Whether the sale of your artwork is a remote contingency or it is an immediate need, planning for it will help you and your fiduciaries anticipate the possible risks and opportunities that lie ahead. This guide leads you through the steps and takes you to the opportunities that exist when artwork, and the associated intellectual property such as copyrights and royalties, is sold during life or at death.