Emerging market local currency-denominated debt is a relatively new asset class that offers the potential for strong returns with low correlation to the returns of other asset classes. BNY Mellon Asset Management provides answers to a dozen common questions about this type of debt.
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No asset class, except government bonds, has protected investors from the credit crisis. But that does not mean diversification has failed investors, according to this analysis by Barclays Global Investors. The authors explore investors' flight to quality as a risk factor affecting current returns and explain why investors should diversify across types of risk as well as across asset classes.
CBRE Investors views about real estate investment opportunities.
Monitoring hedge fund performance day to day is next to impossible when funds disclose returns monthly or even less frequently. Markov Processes International makes the case for a computer modeling solution that uses low-frequency data, such as observed monthly fund returns, to infer and forecast daily returns. This replication strategy can provide timely information useful in managing risk or developing potential hedging strategies.
A new report from BlackRock highlights the more significant flaws in the hedge fund business model, remedies that could repair the industry's damaged reputation and reasons why hedge fund and fund of funds strategies remain compelling in 2009 and beyond.
European firms have grown into formidable carbon competitors, due to the establishment of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. That makes North American companies the new kids on the block in the global carbon market. This article from Natsource highlights market strategies employed by companies in the early stages of the EU ETS and offers insights for new entrants into the market.
Investing in energy is not without its risks, such as the volatility of commodity prices, funding concerns and regulatory uncertainty. However, Neuberger Berman believes this sector offers promising, long-term investment opportunities due to the move to a lower carbon-energy diet and its reliance on alternative energy sources and conservation.
Six hedge fund experts, including the chief executive of a major family office in Europe, candidly discuss some of the more topical themes within the hedge fund community at a special roundtable convened by Horizon Cash Management.
A Rothstein Kass report finds that biotechnology executives are becoming more creative in their financing approaches, creating a climate ripe for consolidation and strategic alliances. Investors who viewed an initial public offering as an exit strategy are being replaced by those with longer horizons and by better capitalized industry participants eager to explore synergies.
For those investors who are well positioned and well funded, there will be substantial opportunity this year to buy distressed commercial real estate or real estate debt in the United States. Baceline Investments believes investments in secondary U.S. markets will yield many favorable opportunities when compared to investments in primary U.S. markets.