In December 2020 the FDA approved Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines for use in the United States, with industry observers expecting additional vaccines soon to follow. Although widespread distribution of the vaccines won’t likely occur until the second quarter of 2021, it’s important for organizations to understand that implications of the COVID-19 vaccine on employer health plans.
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The COVID-19 vaccine will play a primary role in prevention and be a significant factor in keeping employees healthy and at work. Through a series of FAQs, learn more about the vaccine’s impact on health and wellness strategies and how to best integrate a vaccine program into your organization.
The unprecedented timeline of the COVID-19 vaccine becoming available has raised concerns about its safety and efficacy. With the vaccine being widely available, employers have a responsibility to address employee concerns. Begin by learning more about what to consider when developing a COVID-19 vaccination program for your organization.
For employers seeking guidance on how to address a COVID-19 vaccination policy, this guide outlines key points when considering whether to go with a mandatory or voluntary vaccination policy. It highlights the EEOC’s position on a mandatory vaccination policy, allowance for reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, potential privacy concerns, incentivization for getting vaccinated, and other legal risks under federal and state law.
Although water damage is the most frequent cause of loss to luxury homes, most people don’t appreciate the specific impact it could have on them—and therefore don’t take proactive steps to avoid it. By anticipating and dispelling water damage assumptions and the myths up front, you can sidestep costly losses in the future. In these three videos, learn how automated and simple solutions can prevent or minimize water damage throughout your home.
In many areas of the United States and Canada, every year brings the risk of wildfires, especially between August and November. However, there’s a lot you can do to prepare your home for wildfire season. In these three, short videos on wildfire readiness, learn to protect your home by understanding and avoiding the hazards of juniper bushes, Italian cypress trees, and bark mulch. And see how special types of vents can enhance your home’s protection throughout wildfire season.
The global pandemic forced a critical reflection period across every business, and the middle market made the most of it. From protecting their workforces, to rethinking strategy and technology, to preserving revenues, and seeking relief to ensure stability, companies took action and took charge of their plans for resilience. Middle market CFOs reconsidered what is truly essential and discovered new areas of opportunity.
With multiple states rolling out phased access to COVID-19 vaccines, many employers are considering whether they want to require employees to be vaccinated, how to encourage employee vaccinations, and the implications of vaccine policies for their businesses. Some top questions are answered to help employers address the issues surrounding the vaccination.
COVID-19 is exacerbating ongoing geopolitical and societal challenges, and the existential crisis of climate change looms large. In this 16th edition of the Global Risks Report, it highlights the implications of major risks, including the COVID-19 pandemic and an emerging risk landscape spanning from the digital divide to navigating global fractures to considering strategic investments to avoid catastrophic outcomes.
Before deciding on whether to mandate a COVID-19 vaccine at the workplace, there are a number of considerations that an employer should bear in mind. This includes costs from securing the vaccinations or side effects that may result in needing paid leave. There are also the financial and practical implications associated with a mandate.