The key to identifying the status of any insurance contract is consistent, periodic review with a comparison to the original model, the last review and current market benchmarks. This systematic approach will show the impact of reductions or increases in the crediting rate, in policy charges and of the position of the product itself in the market.
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Evolving legislation and stricter governance standards on corporations has resulted in increased personal liability risk for directors and officers who respectfully serve on boards. In the wake of the Enron and Worldcom debacles, liability exposures of corporate directors and officers have increased dramatically. Regardless of the company's size, a wide range of actions can be brought about by any number of parties, which could ultimately endanger the personal assets of directors and officers and jeopardize the underlying company's financial stability.
This paper will examine ways to lessen six of the greatest risks to preserving and enjoying multigenerational wealth. These six risks are: concentrating your assets, overspending, overusing leverage, poor tax planning, not attending to liabilities, ignoring family governance
A useful checklist for both advisors and wealth owners in preparing themselves for hurricanes
FOX has examined the topic of risk management in our work with families for more than 15 years. One of the most difficult aspects of studying the threats that impact financial families is categorizing the various dimensions of risk that pertain to a multi-generational family situation.
A discussion of pre-nuptial, post-nuptial or cohabitation agreements.
A checklist of things to avoid when taking out life insurance.
We hear a lot today about the cybersecurity risks we face but to protect our families, it’s crucial not to forget the importance of effectively managing personal and physical security. In this chapter, we explore a risk-based approach to the personal and physical dimensions of family security and offer actionable insights you can put into practice straight away.
Family enterprises face an increasingly uncertain and risky world due to developments in the economy, geopolitics, financial markets, technology, and industry competition. In order to navigate this turbulent paradigm, family enterprises need to develop a culture of creativity and vitality that will allow them to adapt and eventually become a more resilient family. In addition, they can develop strategies to mitigate systemic risks.
The employer’s safety protocols are an essential tool to help reduce the community spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, prevent and defend against lawsuits, and demonstrate compliance with OSHA safety requirements. To help develop your organization’s written policies and protocols, use this self-inventory toolkit with best practices and tips as your guide.