The Growing Power of Women Owners


Women have become financial powerhouses exercising decision-making control over $11.2 trillion of investible assets. Women investors from inheritors and spouses to wealth creators and wealth owners are taking a more significant role in managing their families' investments in addition to their philanthropic endeavors. We are also in the midst of a significant demographic shift with dramatic growth of women wealth creators given the entrepreneurial nature of the rising generation. In fact, women are starting early stage technology and healthcare companies at the fastest pace in history. Many of these companies are looking to solve some of the greatest challenges we are facing as a society. With these forces at play, the wealth advisor industry has a huge opportunity to better serve women investors while also ensuring women business owners are positioned to succeed. Join us as we explore the opportunity to better serve women investors and hear directly from two women taking leadership roles within their family offices. We will also hear how they are considering investing in the future, having agency as an investor and advancing gender parity.

Deborah Jackson, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Plum Alley Investments

Andrea Turner Moffitt, Author, Harness the Power of the Purse: Winning Women Investors and Co-Founder, Plum Alley Investments

Avril Westerman, Director of Investments, Westerman Interests, Inc. | Westerman Family Office
