Global Foresight - Fourth Quarter 2012


In the fourth quarter 2012 issue of Global Foresight, Rockefeller & Co. focuses on the recent QE3 (quantitative easing) announcement by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and the related inflation and market implications, along with a discussion of the current geopolitical overlay. David Harris, CFA, Chief Investment Officer, leads with a history of inflation and discusses the issues associated with quantitative easing as well as the potential implications for the stock and bond markets. Jimmy Chang, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager, examines what further monetary expansion means for the equity markets. With heightened concerns about monetary policy, Mark Iannarelli, CFA, Director of Fixed Income, will not “fight the Fed” but will consider tactical shifts as a fixed income investor. Matthew Gelfand, PH.D., CFA , CFP®, Senior Investment Advisor and Senior Economist, takes a broader look at economic policy and the uncertainties surrounding the impending “Fiscal Cliff.” Finally, Reuben Jeffery, Chief Executive Officer, reviews the geopolitical landscape of pressure points and the need for investors to plan accordingly.

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