Global Foresight: First Quarter 2013


In the first quarter issue of Global Foresight, Rockefeller presents an in-depth review of the risks and opportunities facing global investors in 2013. David Harris, Chief Investment Officer, discusses how the slow mend in the global economy, low interest rates, and other factors should keep equities as a logical core of most portfolios. Jimmy Chang, Senior Portfolio Manager, explores investor unease with the current global economic environment, but notes that staying anticipatory and opportunistic will be important for long-term investors. In light of the political environment and risks, Mark Iannarelli, Director of Fixed Income, describes a preference toward a defensive and diversified mix of bonds for investor portfolios. Matthew Gelfand, Ph.D., CFA, CFP®, Senior Economist and Senior Investment Advisor, examines the potential for diversification presented by selected real assets. In closing, Reuben Jeffery, Chief Executive Officer, discusses what the current macroeconomic and geopolitical challenges portend for investors in the year ahead.

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