Crafting a family story as part of your family history is essential in helping rising generations understand and embrace their roles in the family enterprise. For a family with a business, that story will enormously benefit the younger generations whether or not they are actively involved in running the family business. Understanding the roots of the family’s entrepreneurialism will also cultivate stewardship and deeper appreciation of the wealth and responsibilities generated from long-term success.
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Succession and Generational Transition is a key concern for over half of FOX’s family member leaders. Similarly, our rising gen research shows that 53% of the rising gen view leadership and skill development, as well as defining future roles in the family, as a challenge. Together, Sara Hamilton, Founder and CEO of Family Office Exchange, and Mindy Kalinowski Earley, FOX’s Chief Learning Officer, addressed the concerns and challenges of each constituent group, and provided solutions for preparation, transition and succession.
The deep knowledge and bone-deep pride of business ownership that keep a successful business thriving do not automatically trickle down to later generations. An investment in education is often required. Knowing the story of the family enterprise is one tool for helping younger family members learn from the past, engage the present, and make their mark on the future.
Succession will happen—it’s a matter of when, not if—so families should approach it with strategic forethought, flexibility, and responsiveness to ensure a smooth, successful transition. Through three different scenarios that encompass most transitions, learn how the decision-making process succession varies in significant ways across those scenarios. There are many aspects to robust succession planning, which, when done well, can help align decision-making and strengthen family unity.
The most problematic challenge wealthy families face is not how to make more money, but how to ensure that it lasts. This requires focusing on something other than money. Successful families, whose wealth lasts for many generations, follow five key practices.
Market research reveals that nearly 70% of intergenerational wealth transfers fail by the third generation and almost 90% by the fourth. These are compelling statistics which have become top of mind concerns for many families as they plan their wealth transition to the next generation. For Australian families, there are three key challenges they face when transitioning wealth. A closer look shows what they are doing to beat the statistics and ultimately succeed, beginning with preserving family harmony and unity.
Talking about wealth is every bit as important as creating a technical wealth plan—if not more so. Preparing a wealth transfer plan without helping your loved ones understand how to manage those assets in their own lives leaves the true process of sharing wealth incomplete and subject to real, but avoidable, risks. In this guide, you’ll find ways to have productive conversations that give your loved ones a clear understanding of what financial assets they will receive and how to manage them well.
At the start of a family enterprise journey, there is often a patriarch (or matriarch) who was both an entrepreneur and a leader who overcame uncertainty or adversity to create something very special with the potential to last for many generations. For the families seeking to sustain their legacies, there will come a time for the patriarchs to move forward to the next phase of life—preparing for the generational transition. However, it will require a different mindset and form of leadership.
While each family office has its own unique makeup and course to success, there are many recurring themes over the years which, when aggregated, form something of a roadmap which can be used to help guide other families on their own unique journeys—be they new to wealth or several generations deep. Against that backdrop, this eBook brings collective insights and experiences around family enterprise governance structures that will help families manage their family wealth across generations.
How much capital does your family have? Is there enough to secure a stable and happy future for you and your children, or even for your children’s children? When the topic is one of financial capital, these are likely familiar questions to anyone dealing with wealth transfer concerns. But what many families often fail to see is the opportunity to build “relationship capital” through engaging conversations — a more intangible but equally important step to incorporate when you are establishing your family’s wealth planning goals.