Beginning with the story of an older brother receiving a credit card to purchase a bike, his sister sets out to learn more about the basics of borrowing. She has seen her parents use credit cards, but the truth was, she didn't really know much about them. Through questions and examples, she explains how it works.
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Most teenagers have heard that investing early in life is a way to build wealth over time. They've most likely heard that buying stocks is a common way to invest. In this video, they learn what stocks are and how they are sold and purchased. They will also discover the benefits that stocks offer to investors.
Coming into financial independence and taking on more responsibilities for your own income and spending is both a liberating and intimidating experience. To help navigate some of the most important and common financial and investment decisions, a collection of articles is provided for guidance. The goal is to help break down complicated concepts into laymen’s terms and provide illustrations and tools for thinking through cash flow and investment decisions.
Communicating financial values and nurturing financial skills in the next generation is a far more challenging enterprise for today’s family than it was for previous generations. Social media, easy access to information through search engines, and dramatically different expectations call for creative ways for families to raise financially mindful children.
Educating children about money, wealth, and financial planning is a critical step in helping them build their futures. As a wealth creator and thoughtful investor, you want to be sure your children understand how to manage finances and make good, informed decisions when it comes to spending, saving, and investing. But talking to children about money and wealth can be tricky. A workbook with resource links and checklists is provided to help make the process easier for families.
Helping your children learn to become financially self-sufficient can be one of the most satisfying jobs of parenthood. By “forcing” your children to make choices about how to spend limited resources, you’re creating opportunities to help them find their interests and passions and discover what is truly important to their happiness. The more you can do to help your children become financially self-sufficient, the more confidence they and you will have in their ability to eventually take a leadership role in managing your family’s wealth and legacy.
One of the greatest concerns among wealthy parents is that the family’s great fortune might inadvertently lead to misfortune for their children. Raising responsible children in affluence is a life-long task requiring patience and persistence. Like learning to read, financial literacy is a process that is best started in early childhood. Teachable moments, alongside practical ways to teach children about wealth, are the beginning of financially responsible parenting.