Wealthy families struggle to find advice needed to launch a philanthropic foundation or to select charities to which to donate, according to a survey of wealthy individuals and family offices in Europe by U.K.-based New Philanthropy Capital. Other challenges include finding ways to network with other donors and measuring the success of donations.
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Family businesses are most at risk for financial troubles based on a lack of formal succession planning and preparation, and on family business owners' personal financial issues, according to MassMutual Financial Group's 2007 American Family Business Survey. The survey also found that family businesses are growing in jobs and revenues, and often with women leading that growth.
Charities face a particular challenge in building and maintaining a balanced portfolio of investments that will provide a secure return. In its 12th Compendium of Investment for Charities, Sarasin & Partners provides assistance by exploring investment options and offering suggestions for how to plan a charity investment policy, put asset allocation into practice, implement an investment policy and monitor the results.
Community investing makes financing available for disadvantaged people in poorly served areas, offers capital for small businesses and helps local organizations provide community services. In this article, Atlantic Trust Wealth Management describes vehicles for community investing, defines the risks and offers a few specific fund recommendations.
This issue of Global Giving Matters looks at the emerging field of social entrepreneurship and reports on the challenges social entrepreneurs face and the opportunities philanthropists have to move the field forward.
Shifting to strategic philanthropy often comes out of personal experience and the desire to make a difference. But how do individuals go about setting up and running a change-targeted foundation? Springbanc Philanthropy offers advice for making the transition, gives suggestions for strategy and provides a tax filing calendar for foundations.
This paper presents and analyses 5 different approaches to philanthropy: Checkbook philanthropy, Responsive funders, Venture philanthropy, Results-based philanthropy, Collaborative funders. Each approach can be "strategic" depending on your aims. The essence of strategy lies in understanding your unique advantages as a funder prior to taking action–your resources, interests, networks, expertise and skills.
Charities are making a crucial contribution to tackling environmental problems, as pioneers, leaders, managers and guardians. They flag up vital issues, produce ground-breaking research and reports, and develop and implement innovative solutions. Much of this work leads to policy action by governments, and changes in business practices and consumer behaviour. Charities also encourage and foster a willingness to protect and care for the environment at all levels of society.
This report analyses how to maximize charitable dollars through donations of appreciated stocks and mutual funds.
A guide to minimizing the after-tax proceeds from the sale of a family business. According to the article, legal exit preparations involve a 3-step process: due diligence investigations (i.e., public searches, review of minute books and key contracts, etc.); identify any 'skeletons' and consider what options exist to remedy or neutralize them; finally, create and implement a plan to manage these skeletons.