Family offices are embracing responsible investing in increasing numbers to align investments with values. We explore what’s driving the demand for responsible investing, the range of potential investment approaches, and some initial steps that family offices can take when they’re ready to commit to responsible investing.
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When there's a pandemic and the business landscape is no longer business-as-usual, you may wonder how best to proceed—how to keep going and find ways to not just survive but thrive. In this webinar with a spotlight on technology, we explore the ways to improve performance and how better information leads to better decisions. In addition, you can download the five steps toward empowering your operations today.
If passed, proposed legislation H.R. 4620 would change the definition used by the SEC for the Family Office Exemption resulting in some Family Offices no longer qualifying for the exemption. Also, under the legislation the SEC would require Family Offices to maintain such records and provide such annual or other reports deemed necessary to the SEC. While advisors continue to watch the legislative path of H.R. 4620, a private trust company—as a state chartered bank—is exempt from the definition of Investment Adviser.
Choosing the right technology among so many choices is hard. Deciding which technology to adopt and how to best use it are challenges for leaders, especially in a time of rapid change. The focus has now shifted from the cost of the technology to ensuring the right technology is used to fulfill business goals. This guide is designed to help you filter out the noise of new technology choices and focus on six key steps to follow when considering the right technology solution.
Board oversight is critical in the management of cybersecurity as a whole, but especially for ransomware, since the increase in attacks year-over-year is up as much as 715% according to a study by Cyber Florida at the University of South Florida. If it isn’t already, cybersecurity should be on your board agenda at every meeting. As a starting point, the board needs to understand the layers of defense available to mitigate ransomware risk and design their responses to the threats accordingly.
In this podcast, two industry experts discuss how boards’ oversight of data governance within their organizations is changing to meet the opportunities and risk in the rapidly evolving digital space in which organizations are conducting their business. The key takeaways:
As an uncertain business environment persists, board directors face multiple obstacles: new regulatory changes, issues related to globalization and digital acceleration, the rise of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors being linked to company performance, and more. They are also grappling with the expanding roles and responsibilities. This survey explores the strategies public company boards of directors are considering, including how they plan to pursue growth and increase transparency around strategic shifts.
Protect your organization against cybersecurity. Be cyber smart and learn more about combatting ransomware in the time of COVID-19, how cybersecurity continues to be a top issue for retirement plans, and how to assess the gaps in your cyber coverage and reduce your exposure.
The Wharton research has found that the ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) individuals want their financial advisors to make tangible assets and risk assessment part of their advisory services. In this abbreviated report, gain the insights to help your UHNW clients achieve greater risk-adjusted returns in their portfolios and protect against substantial losses from a left-tail event—an infrequent, potentially catastrophic event, such as an accident and accompanying lawsuit.
To advise more effectively, financial advisors to the rich seek to develop a profound understanding of their clients’ attitudes toward money and life. But there is so much more than the amount of a client’s assets that can affect his or her attitudes, goals, and tolerance for risk. In this full research report and through the lens of risk tolerance, family office advisors can learn ways that will not only help improve their wealthy clients’ risk-adjusted investment returns, but their emotional security and happiness as well.