An economic downturn can accentuate the drivers of fraud and misconduct within companies, according to KPMG's third national integrity survey. Researchers found that 75 percent of employees had observed or knew of wrongdoing within their organizations. Ethics and compliance programs seemed to make employees more willing to report the misconduct they observed.
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Individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer can do much to influence the course of their illness and improve their quality of life. This comprehensive guide from PinnacleCare can help patients navigate the healthcare system to get the best possible treatment outcomes.
Staff recruitment, hiring and retention are challenging and diffi cult processes for any employer. When this task is assumed by a family, many of the standard issues raised are magnifi ed because of the family's limited experience in this job capacity. When you take on the role of employer, risk management changes in many ways. Despite the concerns that are raised, proper planning and preparation can mitigate or remove many of the potential pitfalls.
A new paper from Butterfield Private Office outlines private trust companies and how ultra-wealthy individuals and families can use them to manage a wide variety of assets while retaining a large measure of control over the administration of those assets.
A limited liability company may seem like the best way to structure private aircraft ownership, organizing finances while shielding other assets from liability, but think again, says Gary Horowitz of Wiley Rein. Using an LLC can lead to a huge tax liability, potential fines by the Federal Aviation Administration and increased personal liability. The author offers alternative structuring that can be less costly and provide better liability coverage.
Two notices from Withers Worldwide discuss changes to U.S. tax rules in the deferred remuneration area that take effect on 1 January 2009. These rules (found in Sections 409A and 457A of the U.S. tax code) target deferred payments that do not satisfy complex technical requirements, imposing a compliance burden on non-U.S. as well as U.S. employers. (Section 409A)
Many officers of family offices serve on boards of directors for family-owned businesses or companies in which they have made equity investments. If these companies move into distressed status, litigation by investors and creditors may follow – and agents of family offices may appear to have the deepest pockets. This report from JD Ford & Company considers the role of these agents, noting potential land mines and offering suggestions for handling these situations successfully.
The 50 Best Practices for an Enduring Family Enterprise are the practices that we believe have contributed to the multi-generational success of the highest achieving and most forward thinking families that we know. Case studies, exhibits, and peer benchmarking data are also included to assist you in assessing the relative importance and state of these best practices in your office.
Wealth management firms and banks must transform their client reporting systems to satisfy investment and web-savvy clients. That's according to a report on next-generation wealth management from Actuate Corp. and IBM Corp. The report examines the growth of the market and outlines some of the challenges confronting wealth managers.
China has become a prime source of malicious computer activity, according to Finjan, a California-based provider of Web security solutions. In its December monthly report, Finjan shows the network of connections between Chinese-based servers and how hackers use it to launch spyware attacks from legitimate, even government, Web sites in Western countries. The report also details how the attacks work – and what real-time action can be taken against them.