Sustainability of the family and wealth for the long-term is critically dependent on current conditions and trends that impact families today and well into the future. Family Office Exchange is pleased to provide a panel of industry leaders whose experience, position and knowledge of the industry places them at the forefront understanding the work critical for success as the architect, engineer and constructor of full integrated, exemplary advisor service.
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Critical to the success of any design-build project is creating and managing a highly-functional, cooperative and collaborative team of internal and external resources to meet the needs of the family. Building such a work team necessitates thoughtful and preemptive conflict resolution processes as well as effective communication strategies. Ben Dattner, Ph.D., will guide participants on how to increase their individual effectiveness by developing a better understanding of the impact of individual psychology and group dynamics on their performance.
As the desire to further refine the client experience moves to the forefront of today’s competitive marketplace, the search for qualified and proven talent escalates. While once considered practical to “buy” talent, firms today are re-energizing efforts in the realm of talent development.
Addiction concerns in family businesses raise unique and complex challenges for the advisor, family office and corporate leadership. This article provides an overview of the many policy and procedural issues all stakeholders face when it comes to addressing substance use, with an emphasis on family held entities.Some of the topics include:
In 2013, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), a nonprofit group of reporters, shattered the long-held view that offshore bank secrecy was impenetrable. The group had received massive leaks detailing individual offshore bank accounts, which they shared with the public on their website. This was the first of hundreds of stories about the financial affairs of high-net-worth individuals overseas.
This report documents how the family office has fast emerged as a viable structure from which to manage the assets of wealthy families in Asia. The rapid growth of the UHNWI population in the region and the tax-friendly environment and robust capability provided in regional financial hubs suggest a further expansion of the industry in years to come. Participants in the survey upon which this research was built exhibit a nascent to intermediate stage of institutionalization in aggregate and a high degree of family control.
This article excerpt Atlantic Trust Private Wealth Management provides an overview of the most common security issues, provides points about bank security measures and offers 6 steps to mitigate online security risks.
The Global Family Business Survey is the seventh survey by PwC from interviews conducted with key decision makes in family businesses in 40 countries.
Today’s young adult family clients – specifically those who identify as Millennials or Gen Y – are bringing a distinct set of preferences and sensibilities to their relationships with their most trusted advisors. While the value proposition is essentially the same for this group as it is for their parents and has been for their grandparents, sophisticated family leaders, experienced family office executives, and state of the art wealth advisors know that in order to engage Millennial family members, they must meet their expectations for how that value is delivered.
Currency risk is a fact of life for European families. Today even the simplest diversified portfolios include foreign currency exposures. Many investors find it tempting to ignore currency risk, believing that it will all “even out in the end.” But this is not an option for most families who need to draw down funds from the portfolio to meet distributions to beneficiaries. Even for families with no current spending needs, it is still prudent to manage the portfolio’s currency exposures in line with its likely long-term liabilities.