CWP Management, Inc., is a busy family office based in Chicago, Illinois. They look after the financial affairs of 10 households and 31 family members across 3 generations, but an ageing IT infrastructure was weighing down on its president’s time and budget. When disaster struck and their data center was compromised, CWP used the opportunity to migrate to a secure, hosted cloud desktop.
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Cloud computing continues to transform the way businesses work. But not all clouds are equal. We’ve collected the key features of cloud computing for family offices into a straightforward checklist and added explanations of what they are and how they matter to family offices. We’ve also highlighted what to look out for when a family office is ready to make a decision.
Everybody knows that people will live a lot longer in the future. But most of us don’t know exactly what we mean by a lot longer. Brace yourself, because the truth will surprise you. According to the Census Bureau, in 50 years more than 1 million Americans will live past the age of 102! The trend continues in Canada and across the globe. This means that most of us alive today have a very real chance of living to 102. And even those of us who don’t make it to 102 will probably live nearly a decade longer than the previous generation.
Over the last 15 years wealth management firms have taken varied approaches to implementing technology within their organization, each aiming to satisfy a unique set of needs and requirements. With technology evolving and teams requiring more firepower from their applications, firms are left in a quagmire, wondering what the best approach is for adopting technology: if they should build, license (from single or multiple vendors), outsource or some combination.
In this session we will have a case study that addresses the journey that a family office undertook to assess and address the risk associated with its technology—from early third party assessments to strategy formulation to board approval and finally implementation. Along the way we will share how some time-honored strategies were discarded and a partnership with the clients on security was created.
What are the latest political and legislative developments and what do families need to be aware of? This always popular analysis of the politics and passage of tax and estate planning legislative changes on Capitol Hill will give family office executives the information they need to know to be prepared for 2015 and beyond.
In addition to delivering superior returns, family offices also meet more stringent investor reporting and financial demands. Having the ability to transform data into timely, useful information is one of today’s greatest challenges in the family office market. In this session, we will discuss how optimizing data management can lead to increased levels of operating efficiency, improved reporting, competitive advantage and growth.