Family offices are a key target for cybersecurity breaches and, with many organizations requiring their employees to work remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the risks have only increased. With cyberattacks on the rise, many family offices are focusing their attention on how to protect themselves. Here’s a look at some of the most common types of cybersecurity breaches and what family offices can do to stay safe.
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In this podcast episode, learn more about the latest updates on mandatory vaccine and mask policies, new action to ban non-compete agreements, a big free speech decision, New York regulatory updates, and a proposed wage and hour rule.
Things are new, not normal. As the pandemic recedes, businesses are not headed into a familiar past. Nearly two-thirds of CFOs are worried that talent shortages could impair their ability to meet short-term strategies. A similar percentage are worried about controlling compensation and benefits cost. Addressing this tension and other pressing priorities will help define success in a post-pandemic world.
Professionals working in family offices are experiencing significant and increasing complexity, recognizing the need to evolve and remain up-to-date with their technology tools, software, and security to manage the high net worth assets. This is why an integrated technology platform based upon a single, unified database is the path to the family office of the future. The right technology will also bring three key factors to support and enhance family office services.
Currently, family offices are typically exempted from the requirement to register with the SEC as investment advisers. But this may change after the United States House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services gave support to the HR 4620 bill that may be a harbinger of efforts to impose additional oversight of family offices in the future.
Family offices are embracing responsible investing in increasing numbers to align investments with values. We explore what’s driving the demand for responsible investing, the range of potential investment approaches, and some initial steps that family offices can take when they’re ready to commit to responsible investing.
By understanding the vulnerabilities of human error, more can be done to address them and build greater cyber resilience. It begins with replacing the term ‘human error’ with ‘human factor’ to move towards establishing a better first line of defense against cyber incidents.
In December 2020 the FDA approved Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines for use in the United States, with industry observers expecting additional vaccines soon to follow. Although widespread distribution of the vaccines won’t likely occur until the second quarter of 2021, it’s important for organizations to understand that implications of the COVID-19 vaccine on employer health plans.
The COVID-19 vaccine will play a primary role in prevention and be a significant factor in keeping employees healthy and at work. Through a series of FAQs, learn more about the vaccine’s impact on health and wellness strategies and how to best integrate a vaccine program into your organization.
The unprecedented timeline of the COVID-19 vaccine becoming available has raised concerns about its safety and efficacy. With the vaccine being widely available, employers have a responsibility to address employee concerns. Begin by learning more about what to consider when developing a COVID-19 vaccination program for your organization.