FOX’s Chief Learning Officer, Mindy Kalinowski Earley, explains how and why family education is an essential component that supports family cohesion and the transfer of wealth and legacy through generations. During this session she walks viewers through the newly released FOX Family Learning Handbook, filled with a roadmap of tools that will assist leaders in addressing common family education challenges as well as strategies to solve them. View the Family Learning Handbook.
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Often, families execute wealth transfer planning strategies without fully considering what wealth and family legacy means to them—particularly the importance of defining and sharing their associated social, economic, and philanthropic values. In this interview, two advisors examine the value of family education and the critical role advisors play in the process.
Couples nearing marriage often confront challenging questions and must make difficult decisions around complex, emotionally charged issues. Somewhere in the process of sorting out financial and estate planning decisions, the question on whether to have a prenuptial agreement may emerge. Here are steps that you and your families may find helpful in making the prenup experience more successful, and potentially avoid some fatal flaws.
While access to the privileges of wealth is a blessing in most instances, it can provide additional challenges in raising appreciative and self-sufficient children. As a parent, you play an integral role in helping your children learn self-sufficiency and financial literacy. If you want your children to obtain the financial skills and experience to manage their own money now and, eventually, the wealth they’ll inherit, they’ll need to learn a couple of key concepts and financial basics.
While April may be the official month of financial literacy, investors should commit to staying informed all year round. Whether dealing with terms like meme stocks (stocks that typically trade on hype instead of fundamentals) or older ones like tracking error, there can be plenty of confusion around the language of investing. For both new and experienced investors, knowing the language can make a world of difference to the success of a long-term investment plan.
As a successful family, your unique lifestyle can create unique challenges while traveling around the world. The next time you travel, there are five key areas to consider that can help keep you, your family, and your belongings safe while you are away.
Beginning with the story of an older brother receiving a credit card to purchase a bike, his sister sets out to learn more about the basics of borrowing. She has seen her parents use credit cards, but the truth was, she didn't really know much about them. Through questions and examples, she explains how it works.
Most teenagers have heard that investing early in life is a way to build wealth over time. They've most likely heard that buying stocks is a common way to invest. In this video, they learn what stocks are and how they are sold and purchased. They will also discover the benefits that stocks offer to investors.
Everyone has a relationship with money. However, money itself is neutral as a tool used to get what you need and want. And yet it impacts nearly every aspect of life, beginning with how parents teach their children about money. From this view, there’s also a need to recognize its resulting effect. While money is powerful, you are in charge of that power and how it reflects on you, your family, and the relationships around your family.
Coming into financial independence and taking on more responsibilities for your own income and spending is both a liberating and intimidating experience. To help navigate some of the most important and common financial and investment decisions, a collection of articles is provided for guidance. The goal is to help break down complicated concepts into laymen’s terms and provide illustrations and tools for thinking through cash flow and investment decisions.