Join Nate Hamilton and Peter H. Diamandis, MD for a discussion on the latest longevity-related diagnostics and therapeutics, and the recent breakthroughs on how to slow, stop and even reverse aging.
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All parents have reasons for why they do or do not share their wealth with their children, and neither option is without challenges. The key for parents is to find the balance between sharing everything and sharing nothing while also passing along the skills required to ensure their children become responsible inheritors and/or beneficiaries. Here are some best practices for striking that balance without losing the opportunities that come with significant wealth.
If you’re a first-timer to the prenuptial conversation, having apprehension around talking about a prenuptial agreement is normal and to be expected. There may even be fear that raising the topic with the spouse-to-be will put a brake on the relationship. As you consider the best way to reach out to a loved one on the difficult topic, here are 7 tips on overcoming prenuptial paralysis, the condition experienced by soon-to-be-weds at the thought of talking about prenuptial agreements.
Losing a loved one can be very difficult. Yet, as an executor, spouse, or family member, you need to take steps to ensure that your loved one's financial affairs are properly settled as part of the family’s end-of-life planning. To help with the process, this step-by-step guide outlines the key tasks, including selecting an executor, considering the need for an attorney, managing online bills and paperwork, and planning for the future. A checklist is also provided to help you collect key personal and family financial information.
Money conversations can be difficult, and yet they are necessary. FOX Chief Learning Officer Mindy Kalinowski Earley is joined by Amy Zehnder and Cindy Coe as they discuss financial education using an engaging, gamified approach. Using the FOX Family Learning Handbook, and Amy and Cindy’s new book Courageous Money, Your Adventure Through Money National Park as a guide, we’ll discuss money relationships, financial planning and the implications of growing up with wealth and how that influences many of our adult behaviors.
You know the value of encouraging children to learn and practice the basics of money management. And at age 11 or 12, it may be the right time to start a conversation about investing, including how it’s different from saving. Creating opportunities to teach your kids these basic investing principles, and then helping put those principles into practice, can be an important step toward their eventual financial independence.
When it comes to international travel, high-net-worth individuals and their families can be at a particular risk: They have the danger of kidnapping and extortion, threats to their physical safety, and a hit to finances. The challenges have also multiplied since COVID, presenting not only health risks to travelers but political instability unseen in many years. This new reality in travel points to understanding how to insure a lifestyle.
Many young adults are looking to increase their knowledge when it comes to managing their inherited wealth. After all, wealth can be a complicated topic—and figuring out what to do with it can be an overwhelming experience. With that in mind, this guide is designed to answer their questions and concerns on the issues related to money, including offering best practices for managing their wealth.
The past two years have tested even the most resilient families and family-held businesses. Balancing domestic obligations with managing companies virtually is stressful even on the best of days. But when employee relationships include family relationships, workforce dynamics take on a whole other level of complexity. Add a global pandemic on top, and family-held businesses find they now need to support their workforce’s mental health in addition to maintaining financial sustainability.
Whether knowledge is shared around the dinner table or in a boardroom, starting family member education early puts a family office in a strong position to strengthen the family’s legacy. While the education program would likely depend on family characteristics, there are three topics that should be part of the curriculum: basic financial literacy, security and privacy, and the lessons and legend on how the family built its wealth.