Couples nearing marriage often confront challenging questions and must make difficult decisions around complex, emotionally charged issues. Somewhere in the process of sorting out financial and estate planning decisions, the question on whether to have a prenuptial agreement may emerge. Here are steps that you and your families may find helpful in making the prenup experience more successful, and potentially avoid some fatal flaws.
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While access to the privileges of wealth is a blessing in most instances, it can provide additional challenges in raising appreciative and self-sufficient children. As a parent, you play an integral role in helping your children learn self-sufficiency and financial literacy. If you want your children to obtain the financial skills and experience to manage their own money now and, eventually, the wealth they’ll inherit, they’ll need to learn a couple of key concepts and financial basics.
Each year brings new possibilities – and 2021 is no different. Emerging from the pandemic. Deepening social change. More predictable U.S. politics. The way we see it, 2021 will be a year many families turn optimistic and begin to act on rising opportunities. And while much remains uncertain, some changes are already either steaming ahead, or emergent on the horizon. These Forces for Change are what you will need to prepare for, through 2021 and beyond.
How we talk about money matters. It affects our quality of life and our wellbeing. Too often, today’s consumer culture shapes our money habits and values. This can lead to consequences such as increased stress and diminished wellbeing — regardless of net worth. Nathan will discuss how all of us can think positively and proactively about our finances and our future — including bringing values into the equation when making decisions about money.
The 2021 FOX Rising Gen Forum is an opportunity for family members in their 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s, at all levels of experience to develop genuine connections with peers in similar situations and explore best practices in overcoming the challenges facing ultra-wealthy families. This virtual forum will unpack the nuances of family investment committees, explain direct investing, go in-depth on family boards, and more, all while allowing attendees to forge meaningful relationships and bond over shared experiences.
Are you struggling to serve clients with complicated governance and education needs? FOX’s Chief Learning Officer, Mindy Earley, and FOX Family Learning and Leadership Consultant, Jeff Strese, will lead a conversation on how to successfully manage difficult client dynamics. Jeff Strese, Family Learning and Leadership Consultant, FOXModerated by Mindy Kalinowski Earley, CMP, CFBA, Chief Learning Officer, FOX Family Learning CenterTM, FOX
We can’t explore the future of the family office without first exploring the future of the family in a post-pandemic world. The next decade will increase the complexity enterprise families face and offer family offices new opportunities and challenges. And, as those enterprises grow more complex, the family office becomes more important to every family member—forcing them to be more strategic, more integrated, and more professional.
No matter your role – whether you’re a family business leader, family office executive, family member – how are you preparing your family for significant wealth transfer or liquidation events? Said differently, how can you make inheriting wealth less like being hit by a comet?
The deep knowledge and bone-deep pride of business ownership that keep a successful business thriving do not automatically trickle down to later generations. An investment in education is often required. Knowing the story of the family enterprise is one tool for helping younger family members learn from the past, engage the present, and make their mark on the future.
While April may be the official month of financial literacy, investors should commit to staying informed all year round. Whether dealing with terms like meme stocks (stocks that typically trade on hype instead of fundamentals) or older ones like tracking error, there can be plenty of confusion around the language of investing. For both new and experienced investors, knowing the language can make a world of difference to the success of a long-term investment plan.