The families with the strongest governance plans are those that survive the most challenging times. They understand the importance of listening to younger generations and bringing them into the decision-making process. Other families find it more challenging to discuss wealth issues openly and to share decision making.
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Many families recognize the importance of preparing future family leaders for the responsibilities of wealth through education programs. It’s a process that needs to be cultivated over many years in a thoughtful and planned manner. However, far too often the next gen education programs fail to get off the ground or maintain momentum. Family members become disinterested, disengaged, or simply don’t attend. It can happen when families make five common mistakes in developing an education plan for their rising generation.
There are many benefits to involving children in family philanthropy. One of them is the children’s realization of the positive impact their own participation has on the world (no matter how small); another is their excitement about making a difference. For the families who want to pass down the value of charitable giving to their children, there are a variety of ways to engage them on the philanthropy journey and strengthen the family bond.
One of the most common concerns families have revolves around how to share wealth with family members without encouraging entitlement. With forethought and care, giving well and wisely can bring families together and strengthen the bonds between generations. The steps to giving wisely—and fostering flourishing over entitlement—include clarifying your intentions, understanding your recipients, communicating more rather than less, and letting go of what you cannot control.
Family businesses thrive when collaborative learning and stakeholder engagement remain high. In this environment, resilience increases enabling all levels of the organization to assess threats and respond effectively to crises. Effective decision-making (growing assets, good outcomes) also develops in this setting, facilitating the development of a new generation of leaders ready for the demands of an ever changing business environment. Flourishing businesses, of course are challenged by changes in the external marketplace and competitive challenges.
For many families of wealth, creating a long-lasting legacy is a fundamental goal, one that shapes both personal and financial decisions. And many of these families want that legacy to reach beyond the boundaries of family, making a positive impact on their communities and the world. For the Anderson family, they made a purposeful decision to approach philanthropy as a family enterprise. In preparation for a new generation coming of age, the family undertook a process of evaluating and fine tuning its philanthropic strategies.
A Family Office is all about providing a tailored, bespoke experience to the family. How does a family office extend that into the digital world? Technology tools, when properly implemented, can provide the personalization needed to create a greater sensation of comfort and higher satisfaction for the family. The right offering can demonstrate the value-add a family office provides and add to the services the office can offer without increasing costs.
Randolph B. Godshall will speak from his experience as a respected litigator about family-conflict litigation and how to avoid such legal wrangles by working through differences in perspectives. Randolph will reference his extensive client work to identify proactive and preventative strategies and tactics to better understand the root causes. Ann Begler will build on Randolph’s foundation and explain the psychological underpinnings that impact individuals in different ways and how they contribute to inevitable family conflict.
Andy Anderson and his team at Wells Fargo have found that wealthy families are interested in the details of their family histories, not so much to boast about their great business success or to impress their descendants, but to demonstrate that family wealth came with profound dedication, an immense amount of hard work, and often great sacrifice. In this session, Andy will share how weaving together the family story can spur emotional and psychological connections, inspire future generations, and lessen the “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations” effect.
Parents often find it difficult to discuss their wealth with their children, especially when it comes to what will happen to their wealth when they die. But when parents do not clearly detail their intentions or prepare their children to receive the family’s wealth, they risk outcomes that will meaningfully erode the value of their estate. Fortunately for every family there are key steps—from opening the lines of communication early to considering the value of an impartial trustee—that can help with successfully transferring the family wealth from generation to generation.