The new year brings unique opportunities for families and their offices, but it can also create new obstacles to navigate. FOX has identified three dominant themes that will drive disruption and opportunity for families of wealth, their family offices, and their professional advisors. We call them the “3Ts” – transitions, talent, and technology.
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As we approach the two-year mark since the COVID-19 virus first hit and start to envision a “new normal,” Family Office Exchange (FOX) has identified three dominant themes that will drive disruption and opportunity for families of wealth, their family offices, and their professional advisors. We call them the "3Ts” – transitions, talent, and technology.
FOX Foresight keeps you up to date on our latest thinking about matters affecting families, family offices, and their advisors. It gives you our forward look on what we're learning from our members and subject matter experts.
Each year brings new possibilities – and 2021 is no different. Emerging from the pandemic. Deepening social change. More predictable U.S. politics. The way we see it, 2021 will be a year many families turn optimistic and begin to act on rising opportunities. And while much remains uncertain, some changes are already either steaming ahead, or emergent on the horizon. These Forces for Change are what you will need to prepare for, through 2021 and beyond.
Family offices left 2020 looking very different than the way they entered it. We capture the changes we saw and project the changes to come. FOX Foresight keeps you up to date on our latest thinking about matters affecting Enterprise Families. It gives you our forward look on what we're learning from our members and subject matter experts. Please share it broadly with your family, your office, and your advisors
FOX experts took a look back at the events of 2020 and discuss their implications for 2021. Sara Hamilton, CEO & Founder, Glen W. Johnson, Chief Operating Officer, and other FOX experts reviewed the top 10 family office trends they see gaining steam in the new year.
Black swan events often come with high velocity and are slow to recover. Examples of black swan events include World War I, the rise of the internet, the dot com bubble, September 11, the 2008 financial crisis, and now COVID. While the catastrophic events are almost impossible to predict, the best way to get your business, family enterprise, or family office ready for the next one is with extreme preparation. Learn about the risks and strategies to prepare, respond, and adapt to a future Black Swan event. With sound risk management, you can emerge stronger and better equipped.
FOX Foresight keeps FOX members up to date on the latest thinking on matters that affect enterprise families. It summarizes what we have been learning from our members and our subject matter experts over the last year. Please share it broadly within your family, your office, and your advisors. FOX Foresight is presented in 8 chapters: