Unlocking the Value of Time Capital | 2024 FOX Family Office & Wealth Advisor Forum
FOX has recently taken a closer look at the various types of capital available to families and the offices that serve them. One category not yet discussed at our forums is TIME CAPITAL. Given the limited nature of time, it is essential to allocate, invest, spend, and cherish the time we have.
Time, as we experience it, is not linear, yet why do we pretend that it is? Time speeds up, slows down, and it stops. The ancient Greeks recognized the difference in experiential time, called kairos, and chronological time, or chronos. When you invest your time based on the memories created by your experiences, the value of an increment of time is not related to its duration. John will explain the mechanics of how the brain “constructs” time out of memories and use his Design Thinking expertise to reveal how to create experiences—for yourself, family, and loved ones—to maximize memory creation and recall. Designing your life this way allows you to slow down time so summers “last forever” and life can seem nearly infinite. That is time mastery. This approach can also be applied to business: for clients and customers—when you design interactions to become the first recall, you also become the first call.
John K. Coyle, Design Thinking Expert, Olympic Medalist, and Emmy Award Winner