Mid-Year Market and Economic Pulse: After a rip-roaring start, what does the back half hold? | 2024 FOX Family Office & Wealth Advisor Forum


A year ago, consensus calls were for looming recession and continued Fed cuts. Instead, economic progress has held steady, labor markets are in better balance, AI’s influence is seemingly everywhere, and inflation is edging bumpily toward the Fed’s target of 2%. As we enter the back half of the year how will markets, interest rates, and the economy perform?  Are consumers tapped out? What potential repercussions might arise from divergent Global Central Bank polices? Does the 2024 political cycle hold significance for markets, rates, industrial policy? And importantly, how should family offices invest and allocate capital amidst the current and anticipated global market dynamics? Join us for our latest mid-year market updates and investment insights.

Carol Schleif, CFA, FSA, Chief Investment Officer, BMO Family Office

Moderated by Scott Muench, Managing Director, Membership, FOX

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