With the shift toward a remote work structure, it’s good to experiment with what works best for you in your new workspace and create a regular routine around it to help you adjust to the new environment. In this podcast, Rehmann's Director of Talent Acquisition, Val Martinez, shares more tips on how to be productive when working from home. She also discusses the importance of unplugging to avoid burnout and taking mental breaks throughout the day.
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The COVID-19 crisis has tested the acumen of leadership and the agility of organizations in ways never before seen. The opportunity for leaders now is to lock in these new ways of working and transform their workforces so they can accelerate through the turn and emerge stronger from this disruption. This guide contains insights, practical ideas, and checklists on how organizations can balance the health of their organization today while preparing for a future beyond the crisis.
On April 30, the IRS released guidance providing that Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan borrowers may not deduct costs that are paid for with loan proceeds that are forgiven under the CARES Act. Additional guidance is provided on this and other provisions of the PPP, including loan forgiveness and mortgage interest obligations. While PPP loan borrowers should currently assume they cannot deduct any expenses relating to forgiven PPP loan amounts, Congress may still change this result and clarify its intent in subsequent COVID-19-related bills.
As states continue to adopt shelter-in-place orders to stop the spread of COVID-19, many employers remain open for business and need employees to perform essential operations. To protect their workforce, employers should adhere to CDC and DOL guidance on implementing safety practices for employees. We share some tips for employers with essential employees that can reduce the risk of workplace hazards and explain how to document those efforts in workplace policies and employee communications.
Cyber criminals are taking advantage of the situation created by COVID-19, and employees can inadvertently expose sensitive data or facilitate a ransomware attack. This year’s Data Security Incident Response Report addresses the data breach litigation landscape and cybersecurity strategy. The intent of the Report is to use incident response data to demystify incident response and serve as a resource to help organizations use risk-prioritized decision-making to take practical steps to improve their cybersecurity posture and operational resiliency.
As the economic fallout of the global COVID-19 pandemic increases, state legislatures and regulators are under rising pressure to shift the resulting economic losses onto the insurance industry. One of the major issues that legislatures and regulators focus on in this respect is whether business losses related to the virus might implicate the “business interruption” coverage found in many commercial property policies. A review is provided on the legislative measures many state governments have taken to potentially force the issue.
No one foresaw the pandemic crisis that is currently testing the value proposition of the family office. The implications will change the way the future is shaped, one that will include a focus on the ability to function as a remote organization. The way forward is emphasizing the need to not just have a plan, but to examine, test, and refresh those plans regularly on a risk management and mitigation level. If you do, you’ll find holes along the way which gives the family office insights as to how to fix them and evolve into a stronger position.
Responsible investors often express that they don’t want to buy companies that greenwash; rather, they want the real thing. And they want investment managers who can tell the difference. But businesses are complex organisms, and sustainable business practices are rarely as simple as good versus bad. However, there are pointers that can help steer you in the right direction.
Estate planners and advisors will need to contemplate the political climate in an election year, particularly given certain political opposition to the extensive changes made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.
In this collection of insights and ideas, learn about the strategies for managing and leading through the COVID-19 crisis. The insights will help you lead through and beyond the crisis, dealing with the immediate issues and looking toward the opportunities for recovery. Topics include leadership, cost optimization, virtual learning, talent management, career transition, sales effectiveness, rewards and benefits, and change management.