Building a Strategic View of the Family’s Future


When families with a multi-generational mindset undertake strategic planning, it’s with a view that is longer than the typical three- to five-year time horizon of ordinary businesses. For some families, a 25- to 50-, or even a 100-year time horizon is where they’re looking. We’ll discuss how this helps family offices develop a resilient enterprise that can weather crises and economic turbulence, and anticipate generational shifts.

Insights and Key Takeaways

One question facing families and family offices today is how to build a strategic long-term view of your family’s future. Scott Peppet, President at Chai Trust Company, says families and family systems tend to work on long-wave frequencies, and normal business works on a short-wave frequency, often monthly or quarterly.

Peppet says that often, certain family members light up and resonate more with these long-term questions. are more human questions, and they can connect to it. Other family members push back and want to focus on short term, financials, quarterly statements, etc.

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this session in the FOX Blog.
