Best Practices for Virtual Client Engagement


With almost all meetings now happening virtually, how are firms establishing and growing client relationships? Demonstrating your firm’s capabilities, better understanding client needs, maximizing touchpoints, and building deeper client relationships are all important client engagement goals. In this session, leading family learning and events professionals will share their successful strategies and activities to reinvent engagement activities, as well as tips and best practices to help you reinvigorate your own client engagement strategy.


Mindy Kalinowski Earley, CMP, CFBA, Chief Learning Officer, FOX Family Learning Center TM, Family Office Exchange

Amy E. Szostak, Senior Vice President, Director, Family Education and Governance, Northern Trust

Jaclyn Webb, Family Learning and Events Manager, Walton Enterprises

Karen Rush, Managing Director, Membership, Family Office Exchange

Insights and Key Takeaways

Wealth advisors round the globe are asking, “How do we connect with our clients in a meaningful way, when we can’t be in the same room?” In this new world of increasing virtual reality, screen fatigue is real, and advisors have had to quickly pivot and rethink how to meet the needs of clients, while building trust and staying connected.

Even before the Covid era, clients and families were borderless, located around the world. The truth is, although the pandemic forced this increase of virtual experiences, forward-thinking businesses see this as an opportunity for relationship building over the long term.

This virtual engagement must be an extension of your overall client experience, not only to reinforce market position and share information, but also – and importantly – to engage your audience. Digital meetings aren’t new…but having ALL meetings virtually is a major shift. Even so, both advisors and clients are realizing the benefits of, and seeing more successes in, planning gatherings where travel isn’t required.
